Dave Gallison, MS
My Mission
Career counseling aligns directly with my life mission: “I bring inspiration and connections to help others realize their highest potential.” To that end, I offer practical advice to help you maximize career success and enrich your life with purpose.
Education and Experience
I have over fifteen years experience in career counseling, job search consulting, and executive coaching. My unique strength as a career counselor is preparing you for informational interviews and directly assisting you in gaining access to contacts at desired organizations.
I have a Masters Degree from the University of Oregon with a combined emphasis in Counseling, Psychology & Health Education. Also I am recognized as a Master Career Counselor (MCC), a designation of the National Career Development Association (NCDA). My counseling background directly influences my approach.
I continue to contribute to the UO Alumni Career Services and recently completed a video for their Adulting Series, Setting & Sticking With Your Goals.
Industry Exposure
I have connections in a broad scope of industries, experience in an extensive array of career services, and have worked with all ages from college to retirement. I have expertise in a variety of industries including healthcare, education, nonprofit, high tech, construction trades, and self-employment. I have worked with clients in law, financial services, insurance, telecommunications, retail, food service, aerospace, energy, manufacturing, and other areas. I can help you enter or advance in many fields and positions.
My private career counseling practice is complemented by experience with large organizations. I have directed a university career center, provided outplacement services for large employers like US Bank, Hewlett Packard, and Motorola, and managed a private vocational rehabilitation office. I have also held director-level positions in non-profit social services, higher education, healthcare administration, and worked as a behavioral health care provider. Let’s put my knowledge to work for you.
Just For Fun
In my off hours, I enjoy spending time with my wife and two daughters (when they are around) in many outdoor pursuits, especially hiking, alpine and cross-country skiing, and travel. Weekends often find me either in the mountains or at the Oregon coast. I am a volunteer for the Mt Hood Ski Patrol, Wilson High School PTA, and the Mankind Project. I also like to while away the hours remodeling my home, taking photographs, and playing pick-up basketball at the "J." Balancing a career and a personal life is important!
“Among Portland career counselors, Dave Gallison stands out for his ability to connect client’s inner worlds and potential career options, and then connect them to his large network of employed professionals. If you’re trying to get from Point A to Point B, Dave can help with the right road map.”
-Donald Asher, internationally-known author and speaker on careers, author of Cracking the Hidden Job Market and How to Get Any Job.
National Career Development Association
Oregon Career Development Association